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Christopher James-David Williams
Born December 26, 1962 in Honolulu, Hawaii
Saint Louis High School class of 1981
University of Hawaii

I grew up on the Island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii; I have been a resident of the Island of Maui for 8 years. I am a retired professional mixed martial artist competitor. I am a 45-year-old single father with three grown children. I have owned Ali’i Express Process Servers LLC, and Maui Process Servers LLC of 12 years. Given the fact I have grown up and lived all my life in Hawaii, I am able to interact with the local residents and respectfully communicate and explain court ordered documents. I have a healthy respect for all parties involved so I serve all documents in a humane manner. My attention to detail and time lines has provided me with a great reputation for effective service of process.
Warmest Regards,
Christopher J Williams
Russian billionaire Dmitri Rybolovlev is hard to find — but determined process server surprises him on Hawaii tarmac between flights
Marks third time Chris Williams has been called on to deliver court papers
Thursday, May 17, 2012, 9:56 PM
A Russian billionaire was slapped with a Manhattan lawsuit this week — and serving the papers required the kind of cunning and derring-do reserved for a Hollywood screenplay and CIA black ops.
Process server Chris Williams has been called on three times to track down fertilizer king Dmitri Rybolovlev in Hawaii and hand him documents.
To say it hasn’t been easy is like saying the U.S. had a little trouble locating Osama Bin Laden. Rybolovlev — who’s being sued by
his estranged wife over a $95 million Florida mansion and an $88 million New York condo — travels in caravans, beds down in gated communities and is shadowed by hulking German guards.
When Williams served him in 2010, he had to jump onto the hood of the oligarch’s speeding black Cadillac Escalade in Maui and slap the envelope on the windshield, court papers say.
Another time, Rybolovlev’s white Escalade “swerved into the oncoming lane” to avoid Williams and almost drove into a curb in
Maui. Williams leaped to the windshield and left the documents there.
The latest encounter, at Lihue Airport on Kauai on Wednesday, was tamer but trickier.
David Newman, who represents the Russian’s wife, wanted to serve the $6 billion man an amended lawsuit over a Central Park West pad he supposedly bought for his daughter, Ekaterina.
Newman learned Rybolovlev’s personal 737 Airbus was at the airport, where he was expected to arrive by helicopter.
“We were lucky to get on the tarmac, which is not easy to do, and when the helicopter landed 100 yards from the plane, as Mr.
Rybolovlev was going up the steps, our person pounced and put the papers into his hands,” Newman said.
“He was surprised. He had an extremely unhappy look on his face. I would not like to be the security team that took a long ride with him after that.”
Williams said he made six sets of papers — each 234 pages — for members of his team posted around the airport in case the target drove in.
“This was an extremely detailed, handto-hand, eye-to-eye service,” Williams said. “He’s diffi cult to serve because of all the security around him. He’s got at least two German guards who are over six feet tall.”